Tobias travels to South-East Asia and beyond!

Because the ticking you hear is your life passing you by!

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Location: London, United Kingdom

In my thirty's and slowly loosing my misanthropic streak!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Holiday In Cambodia Part 1

So I got myself from Saigon and finally ended up in Siem Reap which was on of the destinations I’ve been looking forward to the most.
Checked a couple of hotels and ended up staying at a place called the Dead fish since it promised to have both live crocodiles and traditional Khmer dancing (not necessarily at the same time though). I met a guy called Boreth who had tattooed flames up his arms and when I asked him about them he replied that he had seen a video with Linkin Park and had decided to have the same tattoos done as the singer. Unfortunately everyone now considered him a gangster and he couldn’t get any job apart from driving tourist on the back on his moped. Without hesitation I knew this was the guy for me and we quickly struck a deal that he would meet me in a couple of hour to go and check out the famous sun set of Angkor Wat a couple of hours later.
Checked my camera, then jumped on the back of the moped and headed for the sunset only to realize that about four hundred people had done the same thing. I suppose it was supposed to be some kind of serene experience but to me it just seemed to be a big circus and after fifteen minutes I was back on the moped asking Boreth if we could go to a local place which he happily took me to. Sat down and was served some weird black alcohol in a big bowl that looked like Guinness but tasted bitter and was strong as a MF. Three of those later I deiced to call it a night and headed back for some food and traditional dancing at the hotel. Now, they might call it traditional but to me the difference between a bunch of drunken Swedes and traditional Cambodian dancing is very small. Both has very little feet movement, it’s kind of wooden and there’s a lot of hand clapping to the music. Some of you would know what I’m talking about.
I spent the following days on the back of Boreth’s moped going around to different temples in the Angkor Wat area. There are so many of them that it’s almost impossible to see them all unless without getting bored but I went to see the most famous ones like Banyon, Angkor Wat and the Jungle temple and then headed out for the ones further out on the following days.
One thing that strikes you is that Cambodian people are so poor and it gets quite hard to justify sitting in a bar eating and drinking and then not giving any money to the homeless kids running up and down the street. The fact that you have a lot of five star hotels in the area where people probably pay more dollars for a night than most Cambodian people make in six months is even stranger.


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